Monday, August 9, 2021

Fundamentally Changing Digital Entrepreneurship

Fundamentally Changing Digital Entrepreneurship

Affiliate Nation was created with one vision in mind: 

Make digital entrepreneurship accessible for the average person, 

with a proven done-for-you business system.

Don't let a lack of skillhold you back!

Looking for digital marketing veterans? We know what it takes to build a business that evolves along with the world.


Our rapidly growing community of online entrepreneurs and digital marketing beginners is here to support you.


250 hours (and counting!) in free digital marketing education for members of the Affiliate Nation community.


Empower people to live the #FreedomBuilders lifestyle and achieve their goals with our Digital Franchise model.

A Proven System

A plug-and-play system for someone to get started online and get their business going within hours. It also allows people to thrive, whether they are absolutely brand new, industry veterans, or somewhere in-between.
What we have built fundamentally changes the way people can build a career online… leveraging industry experts, automation, and done-for-you systems like nothing else before. 

Live life on your terms!


Sunday, August 8, 2021


On 8/8 Lion's Gate, the earth aligns with the galactic center (highly charged energy point & spiritual heart of our universe), the middle point of our solar system. There is also a cosmic connection with the planet Sirius, which is said to be the brightest star in the sky, bigger and brighter even than the sun. In fact it is dubbed our 'Spiritual Sun,' as it contains much Divine wisdom. Sirius moves closer towards Earth on August 8th, when it will directly and powerfully align with Orion's Belt as well as the ancient Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. August 8th lions gate portal 2021 Music activation What is the “Lion’s Gate Portal?” It is when Earth, Sun and Sirius moves into alignment; while the Sun is in LEO, the Lion constellation. Just to get an idea how big of a deal this is, our Sun is so big that 1,000,000 Earths can fit inside it. Sirius A, a binary star is so big about 5 Suns the size of ours can fit into it. Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky, 8.6 light years away. It is located in the Gemini constellation, called the Dog Star (Canis Major)- this is the Zodiac sign that was assigned to the Hebrew tribe of Benjamin. “Benjamin shall be as a ravenous as a Wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.” Genesis 49:27 “God counts the number of stars and calls them all by their names.” Psalms 147:4 Benjamin means son of authority, power; son of my right hand. The movements of the heavens affect everything on the Earth, absolutely nothing can happen on Earth until the Celestial Prophets prophesy it. Then, the earthly prophets interpret it and declare it on Earth. “Thy will be done on Earth as in the heaven.”

Extremely Limited - First 103 People Only! - Classified Ad

Extremely Limited - First 103 People Only! - Classified Ad