Abundance Tip #7: The most powerful law of attraction secret
Here’s a powerful breakthrough tip that can change your life in as little as 24 hours.
Let me ask you a question…
Have you previously studied one or more of the following?
Hypnosis, meditation, energy healing, affirmations, reiki, prayer, NLP, Qi gong, yoga, mindfulness, etc…etc…
These are all powerful tools, but above all else I want you to see them as channels for abundance. I want you to accept the possibility of attracting more abundance in every single situation you encounter.
Every meeting…every experience…even every dream you have when you’re sleeping…is a chance for you to make your life happier and more abundant. I call this your dream machine.
It’s the ingenious mechanism you have inside of you for creating powerful transformations out of anything (Even out of a trip to the museum).
And when you’ve experienced these transformations and discoveries, you can take them out into the world and share them with others. Like I did in tip number 6. (And you’ll be a secret life coach for others. See how neatly this all knits together?)
I know I’m introducing you to a very different way of looking at the world today. But my teachings and principles I promise have the power to change everything for you. When you absorb these 57 tips deeply into your being, you achieve what’s called subconscious competence. You become incredibly skilled at changing and creating your world.
Your dream machine needs to be trained to be constantly active. So you never miss a single opportunity.
The biggest changes I ever made in my life happened as a result of everyday events. The key was to always have my attraction channels open and my dream machine running.
In fact, my biggest personal development breakthrough came as a result of cutting class with some friends when I was 15 years old and choosing to walk up a staircase.
Imagine that, something as mundane as walking up a staircase and my whole life changed forever. Ok, it’s true at the top of the staircase was a hypnotherapist who taught me infinitely more in 30 minutes than school had taught me more than 10 years.
Also, my biggest adventure in love (meeting my wife Ruth nearly 20 years ago) was born of a night out with some crazy Norwegian musician friends of mine. It was the last situation you would expect to find your soulmate in. But again, the channels were open for it.
The point is, you can go through any personal development program in history. Any of the great books “The Secret” and “Think and Grow Rich”. An Anthony Robbins program. The real masters all understand the same secret. It’s not just the tools and techniques that make a difference. It’s showing people how to open a channel to abundance that really counts.
So how do you do that?
You simply decide to be open to it. Just like it’s been proven by scientists (Look up Dr Wiseman) that people who decide to label themselves “lucky” are far more likely to find money in the street, so it is with you.
If you’re open to the idea of your life changing in the next 24 hours, it probably will.
This is the way to get the universe flowing into your personal universe. W